Wednesday 4 January 2012

Happy New Year


Now to other news. We got back from our holiday this morning, after spending the night on the train. I didn't get a lot of sleep, but I got enough.

My family is considering having a dog. We don't know what type to get, and I don't really mind. My little brother really wants a dog though. He spent the last few days with one that is 8 years old, and totally wore it out. So he'd like a puppy, or dog, at home, so he can play more with a dog.

Do you ever notice you act differently depending on who you are with? I know someone who acts differently with different people. Sometimes using bad language, sometimes being really nice, sometimes sarcastic, sometimes getting frustrated easily. I don't really like it, but I've gotten used to it.

My mother cleaned up the house while we were on holidays, and now my brothers room is unrecognizable. It's all clean! Stuff that's been missing for months has shown up in their room.

Have a great 2012, and I hope you manage to keep your New Year's resolutions!

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