Monday 23 January 2012

January 23

For our first day back at school, did it have to be so rainy?! It's been steadily raining since mid-morning, and I'm tired of it. One of our guinea pigs had babies today, and I haven't been able to take photos, or even see them again because of all this rain.

My little brother is practising his harmonica. He got a new one for Christmas, to replace his old broken one, and I think he's enjoying it. My sister is on the keyboard at the same time, and they don't harmonize at all. They don't clash too badly, but they certainly don't harmonize! Now he's right behind me, staring at the rain while playing his harmonica. Maybe it inspires him. He can't actually play a song on it, but he makes up interesting melodies, that I kind of like.

The summer holidays are over, and so is the Summer Reading Competition at our library. I can't wait for them to announce a winner, but so far they haven't. I'm probably too impatient, but there isn't a specified date I can wait for, so impatience is inevitable.

My older brother has disappeared again. I'd like to know what he actually does in his room for hours on end, but I know what he doesn't do. His computer is sitting here beside me, so he's not on that, though I suspect he might be before long. I think maybe he's tidying the room he shares with my little brother. My little brother is a very adept hoarder, and keeps things that you wouldn't believe.

I'll try to get some baby piggy photos on my blog soon, maybe even later today. The rain is starting to slow, so it might not be long.

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