Tuesday 31 January 2012

January 31

This is post number 94, so I'm approaching the 100 post line. Awesome! I can't believe I've been blogging that long.

January is almost over, and I have just discovered how much I have to do this year. Not a very pleasant discovery, except for the fact that I have a whole lot of compulsory reading to do, which is very cool! I can't wait for that part, though I'm a little nervous about the rest.

My sister has a lot of Virtual Villagers walking around. Not the same ones as a few days ago, as an alarming number of them died, so we restarted with some new villagers. These ones will hopefully survive better than the last lot.

My brother is attempting a game of chess beside me, but it isn't going well. He keeps getting checkmated. My little brother is just playing outside again. He is definitely the most outdoorsy of our family. He actually really likes being outdoors, with mozzies, guinea pigs squealing, mud squelching, and itchy grass. I'm obviously not a fan. But my brother can find all these imaginary villains, as well a whole lot of men to follow him around and do follow all his orders without question.

Isn't fop such a great word? It doesn't seem like a real word, but it is, and when you say it right, it sounds fantastic! Fop, by definition, means
obsolete : a foolish or silly person
: a man who is devoted to or vain about his appearance or dress : coxcomb, dandy
Such a great word!

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