Friday 27 January 2012

January 27

Thanks to my new follower, Lady Disdain. I now have a grand total of 5 followers! It's not much, but it's a start.

My family had an art afternoon here. My little brother was engraving, my sister was painting, and my older brother and my mother were drawing.  They did pretty well, but didn't finish. They probably will soon, maybe sometime next week.

First week back is almost over. Tomorrow is Saturday, and that means a break, and hopefully a sleep in. It also means I get to read my comic books again before they have to go back to the library. It's our policy here that no comic books are allowed to be borrowed out of holidays, unless holidays are coming up really soon, like, next week.

My sister is going to have to do keyboard soon, but for now she's just playing music on her computer. She just came up and read my post from over my shoulder, and now is talking at me about putting her in my blog. She doesn't read my blog, so she doesn't know what I blog about.

My little brother is in the backyard-turned-swamp. He likes playing out there, and even has a pair of cut down gumboots so he can be out there whenever, all weather.

Another guinea pig had babies today. They are super cute, and we called them Thunder and Lightning. Thunder is all black, Lightning is kind of really dark brown with a streak on his forehead. We called them Thunder and Lightning partly because of their colours, and partly because of the weather, which is atrocious (that is such a great word). Due to the aforementioned atrocious weather, I haven't got any photos yet.

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