Friday 6 January 2012

January 6

I'm at home with just my brother right now. My younger brother, my sister and mother have gone to the shops to buy an electric barbeque. They'll be back soon.

While they are out, my brother and I have been listening to Hawk Nelson. We both really love their music. It's loud and Totally Awesome! Friend Like That is one of their songs.

My brother is reading comic books, the rest are at the shops, and I'm on the Net. It's unusually quiet around here. Normally, having five people in the same house, one of whom is compulsively loud, and another who is a bit of a dramatic, usually makes for a loud environment. I'm kind of enjoying the change, even though it won't be for long.

Holidays sometimes seem like they don't follow the laws of time, don't they? Somehow they seem to be really long and really short at the same time. New Years seems ages ago, but this week seems to have passed really fast, even though New Years was on Sunday, and that seems ages ago. It's weird.

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