Thursday 8 March 2012

March 8

It's totally quiet here. My brother has to have total silence for the assignment he's working on. I finished mine already, so I'm on my laptop now. I can hear the click of my  computer keys, and they sound so loud in this atmosphere. My little brother and sister are down in the boys room, my sister helping our brother. She's better with computers than he is, so can give him help when he needs it.

I can't believe that there is less than a month left in term. It seems that I have way too much to do for it to come that soon, as well as the fact that it seems like the last holidays ended not long ago!

When the holidays come, my sister's birthday comes soon after. Her birthday is in the middle of April, and she's got party plans settled (mostly). I think she's planning a bit late. She only came up with the plans last weekend. I started planning my (early June) birthday party in January! But that's definitely too early. I just love the feeling of excitement that comes with planning a party, so I just couldn't wait any longer!

When you read something, do you prefer proper grammar, or the kind of grammatical errors most people make? I've read stories that make my spellchecker gasp in horror, but I like it because it sounds real. What story about little kids with perfect grammar sounds at all realistic? I don't care if  'shouldn't've' sounds wrong,  because that's how little kids say it. That's much more important than accuracy. It's really just a different kind of accuracy, actually.

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