Tuesday 20 March 2012

March 20

I'm going to have to be really quick, my brother wants to use the internet.

The jury is out on whether or not we will go to square dancing tonight.

I have another Miracle for the Miracle Month of March. Sorry for the bad spelling, but I wanted to copy it authentically. As well as the fact that I didn't have time to correct it! So here goes!

If He Shoots, I'm A Dead Duck
 It was the year Of 1944. I was stationed on a island 7 miles out of a inland water way,wrighsville beach.it was gunnery range. For p 47's. There were two ranges one was opened and the other was closed with a wood panel painted red which meant closed no firing. In the middle between ranges, was sand baged radio shack where a flight officer was directing flight plane,circle pass,s. but this p 47 pilot wasn't,t alert . I was standing right in front of the target my fellow sgt. Shouted look out and dove for cover, but I turned around and froze.he opened fire coming right at me, I said to myself if he fires I,m a dead duck. He did. 3 fifty caliber bullets came right at me, landed at my feet by one ft. They would have tore my body apart. it was a absolute miracle.i was stunned. God had to be with me. The officer came running out of the radio shack . Screaming are you o k. .he sent the pilot back to the main base near Wilmington north carolina.    What happen to him I don,t know?

One last thing: My little brother likes to make up silly songs and sing them continuously. This was one he made up today. 

'Life is as sweet as a pineapple, yummy and good to eat!'  

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