Tuesday 27 March 2012

March 27

In the last 24 hours I have somehow acquired 2 new followers. Thanks so much!

I love it when my computer is slow, and I type something on the screen but it takes a little while for it all to come up. It is so much fun to watch what I type come up on the keyboard as though I was typing, when I've taken my hands off the keyboard!

I'm a bit mad at the moment because I got a C on an assignment I thought I should get a B for. For me, a C is an entirely unacceptable mark. I expect better of myself than that.

I totally forgot to mention this, but 2 baby guinea pigs were born on Saturday, to the guinea pigs I look after. They are really cute, but we haven't come up with names for them yet. If I post some pictures, will you come up with ideas? We're kind of stuck.

My little brother is playing with a blow up football. He's throwing it all over the place, even trying to step on it. He's acting like it's some kind of alien life form that he's trying to catch.

I'm so looking forward to the holidays. I'd love to be able to stay in bed for hours, playing on my iPad. I probably can't though, for two reasons. Firstly, there's breakfast. I'd be too hungry to stay in bed for hours. Secondly, guinea pigs. Guinea pigs don't take holidays. They need to be fed every day of the year.

Maybe I can bribe my older brother into feeding my piggies one morning. There's no point bribing my sister, she sleeps for too long, and my little brother doesn't like going in the side yard, where my piggies are. The grass is too long there for his liking.

Today's miracle is incredibly cool. I would be absolutely terrified in her situation. Probably a good thing it wasn't me then!

The Shoes I'm Glad I Forgot
by Elizabeth Sherrill

Of all the times to have the airline lose my luggage! It was only my toiletries case with my one pair of good shoes, but of all places to wind up without them!
I'd flown out to New Mexico for a one day seminar sponsored by the Southwest Christian Writers' Association. "No one will care about your shoes," Margaret Cheasebro, the group's president assured me. 
Undoubtedly, Margaret was right, but of all times... Even as I thought it, a phrase from our church's communion service came to mind: "we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee."At all times? I wondered. 
At the seminar's close, several writers came up to the stand. Suddenly there was an ear-splitting crack and the sound of exploding glass. A woman shouted "Lie down! Everyone!"
Through the window she had seen a man brandishing a gun. Later we learned that he had been drinking and shooting at telephone poles. From the wall behind the speaker's stand, the police recovered the tip of an electric screwdiver fired from a muzzle loading pistol. 
While Margaret filled out a police report, the rest of us relived our escape, each recalling a step forward or a second's delay that had kept her out of the line of fire. 
For my part, I traced a trajectory from the window to the wall, an inch over the spot where I had been standing. I was thinking of a pair of two-and-a-half-inch heels in a missing bag. I echoed an ancient prayer: "we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto thee."

Definitely something to be thankful for! God is so totally amazing. He controls all circumstances, and though we may not see why at the time, He has a reason. Even if you never know the reason, it's still there. 

As my older brother just (un)enthusiastically reminded me, we get to go square dancing tonight! I like square dancing. It's awesome fun. 

My little brother just claimed he doesn't have faults. SO not true. "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23 NIV) My little brother is no exception, whether or not he thinks he is.

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