Monday 5 March 2012

March 5

I still cannot get used to the idea that it is March, at least when I am blogging. I keep writing February by mistake.

I am writing on the family computer, but I'm getting better at it. My laptop is still being slow. I love my laptop, but I would like it to be faster. Eventually, I'll save up enough to get myself a new one.

It waas absolutely pouring this morning. We all got soaked, as we were out all morning. Then we get back, and the rain stops completely. Really annoying!

I got my new glasses today! They are purple, with a pretty design on the side. My older brother says I look much more serious wearing them. They are a lot darker than my previous bright blue glasses. This will be my first pair of metal glasses for about 3 years. I've only been wearing glasses for approximately 5 years.

We sold Angel and her siblings today. I'll miss her, but she's so pretty, she'll find a good home, and probably find a boyfriend too. We also sold her loudmouth cousin, Thunder. That's definitely a good thing. Now he won't squeal at me every time I go near him. He's always hungry, and always loud about it.

It's getting colder here. You can tell it's Autumn. It's wet, cold and cloudy. If this weather keeps up, we won't go square dancing tomorrow night!

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