Wednesday 7 March 2012

March 7

Both my brothers are feeling sick. The rest of us are fine, however. My younger brother was still very eager to go to the library earlier today,  so he's obviously not too bad.

We did go to the library earlier today, and it was cool! I always love going to a different library. They have different books there. I found 12 books I wanted to borrow, not realising that I only had space for one book on my card! The way cards work at our library is that you are supposed to able to borrow 20 books. However, the machines will let you borrow 40 books, in case you have the strange habit of returning 20 books, then getting another 20 books before the system realises that you have returned some. So, back to today, and I had 39 books on my card, and tried to borrow another 12! Fortunately, my mother let me put some books on her card, otherwise I might have had To go home without any new books. Tragic, indeed!

My older brother and my sister are washing the guinea pigs. They are getting a bit dirty (the guinea pigs, though my brother and sister probably are too!), and need a wash. I'm (rather selfishly) hoping I won't have to help. I don't really like getting assorted yuckness off guinea pig hair. Who would?

Our English assignment should be done soon, and then this silent barrier may be lifted, and I can talk to my brother about it. I like talking to my brother about schoolwork. We are in the same grade this year, which has never happened before now, so I want to make the most of it.

One final thing: do you think the song Friends Forever is sad? I definitely do, but my mother doesn't, to such an extent that she can't see why I do!

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