Monday 12 March 2012

March 12

I found a really good book at our church library today. It's called Miracles of Answered Prayer. Some of the stories were so amazing I wanted to put them on my blog. So I have decided that March will be my Month of Miracles. Each day I'll put a miracle from this book on my blog. I hope that as you read these miracles, you will think of the amazing power of the God who can do these things. I f nothing else, at least it will give me something to write about! Hopefully, I'm not breaking any copyright laws by doing this.

Footprints to Follow
by Sandy Seltzer

Dustin, my California-bred guide dog, was having trouble outside our Long Island apartment. This was his first snowstorm and he was confused. I'm blind, and I wasn't doing so well either. No one was out, so there were no sounds to steer me. And contrary to what many people think, guide dogs do not find the way for a blind person. The blind person directs the dog.
After a harrowing forty-five minutes, Dustin and I finally made it back. But guide dogs must be walked regularly. "Next time why don't you ask God to go with you?" a friend suggested. And so I did. "Lord, go with Dustin with me. The wind is so fierce, it's hard to concentrate on our direction. Lead us." 
 Snow stung our faces and it was difficult to make a path. Dustin whined a little. "Okay, boy," I said to him, "the Lord is with us." And then I gave him a command that a blind person gives only when another person is leading the way: "Dustin, follow!"
Dustin perked up and to my astonishment took off as though he knew exactly where to go. We made it to the street and then headed back to our building with no problem.
A young woman trudged up and offered to walk us to our door. "We'll just follow your footprints," she said, "Yours and the dog's, and that other person's."
"What other person?" I asked. 
"There are a dog's prints. And your prints. And a larger person's prints. Wasn't someone with you?"
I paused for a moment and then I answered, "Oh yes, there was Someone with us." There always is. 

That is such a cool story. 

My little brother is sick. He's sitting in the lounge room, watching The Bee Movie. He's been coughing all day. Hopefully he'll be feeling better by Wednesday, or he can't go swimming, and he loves that (not)!


  1. This is an EXCELLENT story. I love it! Thank you so much for posting it up. I've got a lump in my throat >.< It reminds me of that line about walking down a beach - you've probably heard this story. There are two sets of footprints, a man's and God's and when the man is weak, there are only one and he asks God why He deserted him and God replies, there is only one set because I was carrying you. I love that, and I love this even more because it's real!
    Hope your little brother gets better soon :) And thanks again for posting it up - it's so cool, and it's brightened my morning.

    1. The story you mentioned is called Footprints in the Sand, and I also think it is really cool. I actually have a Bible cover with that on it. My little brother is fine now.
