Tuesday 13 March 2012

March 13

I am once again writing on the family computer, but this time it's for a different reason. My laptop is working perfectly fine. It's just that my older brother is using the internet connection we share. I have to say, I'm enjoying how fast this computer is, and I'm enjoying the use of an ENTER button. My computer is unfortunately missing one.

I have a new miracle. This one is personal.It may not seem such a big deal as yesterday's, but it's special to me.  I like to read stories on the internet. Normally, these stories can only be read on the internet.Sometimes, like today, my brother uses our internet connection. Somehow, Someway, I can still read these stories, even when I'm offline! Better still, my computer can actually procees them faster than when I'm online! That, for me, is miraculous and majorly cool.

My little brother has had a sick day today, and from what he said, you'd think it was the worst punishment in the world! All he had to do was lie on the lounge all day watching movies, and rest in his bed for 45 minutes in the afternoon. He complained the whole time! Now he reckons he'll never take a sick day again. That's hard to believe.

We go square dancing tonight!

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