Monday 26 March 2012

March 26

A friend of my mother's from church is going back to America, so she had a lot of stuff to get rid of. So we went around to her place to see if we could help, and she gave us a heap of groceries. As my sister put it, it looked like we had robbed a supermarket! She also gave us two sets of drawers in pink, which my sister and I took. The boys haven't got much space in their room for putting a set of drawers, much less two.

I was reading 'The Heavenly Man' today, and it was really interesting. I couldn't believe everything he went through. Anyone who thinks that persecution doesn't exist, and no one would really suffer for Jesus, this book proves them totally wrong. He went through a lot.

It's still March, so I have another miracle. Thanks for the comments so far, but I would love to hear more. Do you enjoy reading about these miracles? Do they inspire you the way they do me? Do even believe that they happened?

A Field Of Cows
by Elly Derr
Years ago, my husband, Dan, was a missionary pilot in Ecuador. We lived at the foot of the Andes Mountains; and when he flew, he kept in touch with me at the base camp by the radio. 
One day I was logging his position and altitude when he announced that his Cessna had engine trouble. He needed to make an emergency landing. 
I looked at my map and saw nothing but steep hills that dropped off into deep precipices. There was no flat space for miles around. From the sky, Dan searched for a road, a field, a meadow - any place he could possibly bring down his plane. He was losing altitude fast. 
"Pray," he said to his passenger, a missionary traveling with her four children. "Pray," he said to me over the radio. 
As the plane came through a pass, Dan saw a mountain village and a small green field. Down he came for a landing. He radioed his position to me, and I drove to meet him. When I arrived, Dan's plane was in a field surrounded by a crowd of Indians. My husband and his relieved passengers were unharmed. "Es un milagro," one farmer repeated over and over again. "It's a miracle."
I assumed he was talking about the plane's safe landing, but he had another milagro in mind.  
That small green field had been filled with cows peaceably grazing. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, they had all started moving to one side of the field - just before Dan's plane came into view. 

 Isn't that neat! Once again, these didn't happen to me, I just read about them,  and decided to put them up here. If I'm breaking some kind of copyright law, it was entirely by accident. 

My sister is at the keyboard. She got a new voice exercise this morning. It goes "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, THIRTEEN!" She refuses to explain why thirteen is so special. 

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