Wednesday 21 March 2012

March 21

I have had a lot of work to do today. I had to write an essay on workplace ethics, complete a Religion and Ethics lesson, complete my History Unit, and do my other schoolwork. I'm really tired of typing, as I've been doing it all day, so I won't type long.

Today's Miracle:

Instructions From Above
By David Moore

Henry Gardner was flying me to Asheville, North Carolina, in his Cessna 180. We'd taken off from Victoria, Texas, and had stopped in Jackson, Mississipi, to fix a malfunctioning radio. 
Now we were nearing Asheville, only to find that the fog was so thick that the controller wouldn't let us land. "Sorry," he said over the radio, "you'd better head to Greenville." But we couldn't.
We didn't have enough fuel to make it to Greenville. "We're going to have to land," Henry insisted, and we were granted permission to make an emergency landing. The radio sputtered a few times and Henry lowered the plane. 
"Pull it up!" came a shout. To our horror we saw we were about to land on the interstate! Henry pulled hard on the stick and we barely missed the highway overpass. 
"If you listen to me," the voice on the radio said, "I'll show you how to get back in." And then came a series of careful, detailed, instructions: "Raise it up." "To your left a little." "Easy, easy." "You're nearing the runway. Let it down - now!"
The lights of the runway suddenly appeared out of the fog. Never had I seen such a welcome sight. We had landed safely. 
First we thanked God. Then as soon as we could, we went to thank the air traffic controller, who looked at us in bewilderment. 
"I don't understand," he said. "I lost contact with you after I told you to make an emergency landing. Your radio sputtered and you were gone."

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