Friday 9 March 2012

March 9

I'm in a really upset mood right now. This has not been a good day. Part of it is my fault. It's not a good idea to listen to the saddest songs I could find all morning, without any reason. I normally don't do that, but I do like those songs, and it seemed like a good idea at the time.

This afternoon I found out that in one of my subjects, the work I though I needed done this semester actually has to be done this term, meaning I have twice as much work to do in half as much time! I already have a lot of work, and that's just making it harder. That's also one of my harder subjects, making things that much worse.

Added to that, I'm feeling a little bit lonely. My brother is in the city for the day, and even though he will be back later, I'd love for him to be here now, so I can talk to him. He's in the same grade as I am, he can understand the pressure to get everything done. I won't see him until we go to youth group tonight, and youth group isn't the best time to talk.

I think I have some pretty good reasons to not be in a great mood. I'll really need God's help for me to finish on schedule by the end of the term. I really don't want to have to work on the holidays, but I know that by myself I cannot get everything done.

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