Monday 19 March 2012

March 19

I have a new person following my blog: Steve Finnell. He invited me to follow his blog, and I now am, because it looks interesting. His blog is called christian with a view. I'm delighted and honoured that someone wants me to follow their blog, especially such a popular one. I don't know if that makes sense, but that's how I feel.

I'm still loving Charlie. Even offline, Charlie is still totally awesome.

I realised I haven't posted any miracles for the last few days. So to make up for it, I'll post a few. A reminder; these aren't mine. These miracles didn't happen to me, and I don't know the people they happened to. I do however, believe that these miracles are the work of my all powerful God.

Saved by a Voice
Ruthie always had a penchant for quickly speeding away from a stop light as soon as it turned green. One evening she was the lead car at a red light when it changed. She pushed down on the gas pedal just as a distinct voice from out of nowhere shouted “STOP!” from inside her car. She hit her brakes a second before a speeding truck ignored the red light and barreled through the intersection several feet in front of her bumper. She always knew that voice was a miracle from God who wasn’t ready to receive her that night.

God's hands on the wheel
My husband and I were travelling back home from the city central on a rainy day.  As we approached a bridge that ran over the highway, our car started to spin out of control. We were just being flung from one side to the other side of the bridge.  And I immediately said “GOD if you are going to throw us off this bridge do it now, or save us without a scratch.
When our car stopped we were at the end of the bridge, we spun all the way down.  Here’s the miracle, there were other cars on the bridge, we did not bang into any of them, and when we jumped out of our car, we had to look for the dents or damages to our car, because there was not even a scratch after all that banging.  Also on that day we decided at the last minute that we would leave our 7 month old baby with her grandma, should she have been there she would not have managed to control her neck in the car seat. We were just a little shaken.  My husband started our car and continued safely home.
My GOD is awesome. 

God answered my prayer just like that
It was afternoon, and it was a very sunny day. I was in town to managed my entry to universities, and have no car or motorcycle to go around the town, so I walk on that sunny day. I’ve been walking like 3 hours now, and there is still so much things to do. I was thirsty, sweating all over, and really, really tired. When I came to my limits, I said a little prayer in my heart, “Lord I’m tired, please give me a ride home.”, then out of nowhere, a car honed me. It was friend of mine, and he offered me a ride home. I was really shock and frozen that time, because my prayer were answered within a second just like that. When I was in the car I felt relief and say thanks to God. God had helped me in a instance, praise to you Lord. Amen.

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