Tuesday 6 March 2012

March 6

Peanut butter on toast tastes so good! My little brother was having some, so I decided I'd like some too. Now my mother and sister are having some as well! That was a totally unnecessary amount of exclamation marks, so I might as well add some more!!!

My older brother and I have to write an assignment for our English class. That's not too bad. A bit annoying, but alright. The annoying bit is that we have to keep totally quiet about it! We aren't allowed to talk about it at all, especially not to each other. That's really hard. I like to talk to my brother, and having something I have to keep quiet about isn't easy. I'll be glad when the week is over, and we can talk about it.

I'm writing on my laptop! I don't have to write on the family computer! My laptop is feeling a bit better today, maybe because I woke it up so late this morning. I slept in, so it did too. That seems fair.

We should be going square dancing tonight, though my little brother is coming up with every excuse in or out of the book to get out of it. He likes square dancing, so I reckon he comes up with excuses just for the fun of coming up with excuses!

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