Friday 23 March 2012

March 23

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I simply forgot. In the ruckus around my brother leaving, I forgot to blog.

I finished my Maths assessment today! I thought it would be really hard, but it actually was pretty easy, and didn't even take too long. I still have lots of Maths to do, but at least the assessment is finished.

We go out to youth group tonight, and I'm really looking forward to it. I like youth group. We do all sorts of fun stuff, and I get to hang out with my friends.

My sister is doing her vocal exercises. She sounds like she's pretending to be a ghost! It involves all sorts of sounds, and it really does sound like she's trying to be a ghost.

I love reading about miracles, or people who do amazing things for a cause they believe in. I read recently about the bringing of Bibles into China, and it sounded amazing. Part of me wishes that I could've been there first hand, and done it too. Even just hearing about it first hand would be so cool.

I have another miracle today. As I have said before, these are not my miracles. They just inspire me, so I write them down, to inspire others.

The Language I Know
By Rosemary Jackson

I volunteer at a soup kitchen in Santa Fe where you are as likely to hear Spanish as English. Many times I've wished I could speak Spanish, especially with two of my favorite regulars, whom I'll call Juan and Miguel. Luckily Juan's English is good enough that he can translate for Miguel, who speaks none at all. 
"Hey, how's it going?" I asked them one day.
Juan told me that he and Miguel had been looking everywhere for work. "No luck," he said. They'd run out of money and were sleeping in a nearby park. I could only imagine how tough it was to find work, especially when you are homeless. 
"Why don't we pray about it?" I suggested and waited for Juan to translate for Miguel. Then we all held hands and asked God to help them find jobs. 
After that I didn't see Juan and Miguel for a while. I figured they might have had to go out of town to find work. Then one day they were back. 
"We want to thank you," Juan said. Miguel smiled and spoke in Spanish as his friend translated for him: "Miguel says, 'Prayer really works. We both have jobs!'"
"Let's give thanks," I urged. I bowed my head and said a short prayer of thanksgiving aloud. After saying "Amen," I opened my eyes to find my friends staring at me.
Miguel spoke in an urgent tone, then Juan explained for me. "My friend says it and I say it too. That was a beautiful prayer. Thank you. Your Spanish is flawless."
Flawless? I don't see how. For I had said that prayer in English, the only language I know.

That is so amazing. I, likewise, only speak one language, but the language of God is universal.

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