Monday 18 June 2012

June 18

Sorry I haven't posted for a while, but things get busy at the end of the term.

On Saturday, most of my youth group, including me and two of my siblings, went to the Sciencentre in Brisbane. I've been there before, but only with family, so it was cool to see everything with friends, especially the ones who had never been there before.

Yesterday, my youth bible study broke up. There was a big party, with lots of ice throwing. It wasn't supposed to be thrown, but the leaders are worse than the kids. They started it! It was hilarious to watch.

Today, my older brother and I have heaps of Maths to do. I have a fair amount done, so I'm taking a break to blog before I get back to schoolwork. A Maths exam is coming up later this week, so we have to prepare. At some point, we will also both have to record our speeches, so they can be sent to the teacher. Mine is a bit long, but she said it would be okay...this time.

I can barely wait for holidays next week! I have some stuff that has to be done, like tidying the room I share with my sister, but I also want to read a LOT! Not just books, but anything I can find. Hopefully I will be able to see some friends as well.

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