Monday 9 July 2012

July 9

Well, the holidays are over, and so, we are back to school. However, by now I'm glad to have a little routine back in my days. I spent most of my holidays reading and watching TV shows over YouTube, and while that is fun, I'm glad to get back into things.

This term in English, I am covering Romeo and Juliet! I've read the play before, and even saw a ballet version a few years ago, but this will still be cool. The only downside is, as I already know the story, and the author, and a lot about it, it's kind of difficult to answer questions like: What do you think when you hear the name “Shakespeare”? 

Like, what am I supposed to think? He's a playwright, probably the most famous playwright the world has ever known. How am I supposed to sum up all that Shakespeare means, in a sentence, or even a paragraph. It's times like these that I wish that I didn't read quite so much.

Yesterday, I, my siblings, and our dad went to the Medieval Festival. My sister looked like a genuine princess, with an authentic looking dress. My little brother was a Viking, and even tried to eat my camera! It was funny seeing him eating a lamb shank, gravy dripping off of his chin. He sure looked like a Viking then!

The day before that we were at Surfer's Paradise, on the Gold Coast, and it was an amazing day. It was just the kind of beautiful, sunshiny weather that makes you want to be outside doing something. We visited Ripley's Believe it or Not, and had lunch beside the beach. It was a great day.

This was a photo I took of us by the beach. My sister's feet aren't in this photo. 

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