Wednesday, 22 February 2012

February 22

We did go square dancing last night, and my mother did make vegetable soup. It had lots of purple potatoes in it, so it was a really dark purple and thick. It was delicious.

The sunset last night was really amazing, after the storms we had. I got some great photos. Some of these photos were taken of the east, and they still look amazing!

I really like all these photos. They are just so glorious.

I also got some photos of Angel, who is much bigger know. She is definitely a girl, and a beautiful one too.
Isn't she gorgeous! She is my favorite of all the recent babies. Thunder is equally gorgeous, but way too loud, so he cannot be a favorite. But the Angel is mostly quiet, entirely gorgeous, and going to be sold in a few weeks. That's OK. Babies are never as cute when they grow up. Angel will, to me, be forever a baby.

1 comment:

  1. These are some great photos! I love sunsets (and sunrises, too).And cute guinea pigs! Although I'm one of those ppl who likes to admire them from a distance instead of coming into contact with them :P
