Thursday, 29 March 2012

March 29

My laptop is being stubborn again, so I am once again writing on the family computer. I woke my computer up early this morning, so I could do maths before we went out, and it was wonderful. It woke up quickly, did what it was told, and stayed alert the whole time. Now, it's being incredibly stubborn.

My sister had the colours on her brace changed today. They are now pink and teal. I think they look nice.

My mother thinks I should use proper touch typing techniques while on the computer. The thing is, I can't! If I try to touch type on this computer, I end up with about five letters that I didn't mean to put in!

We went to the Brisbane Square Library today. I returned eight books, borrowed seven, and somehow my bag was heavier afterwards! I got a whole lot of heavy books. One of the books was so good, I read all 377 pages this afternoon, and then reviewed it for the newsletter my sister produces. I'll post the review here.

Adam Canfield: The Last Reporter
by Michael Winerip
The Slash, Harris Elementary/Middle School's newspaper, has been shut down for exposing the town's most powerful family's shady business dealings. But the co-editors, Adam and Jennifer, are determined to keep going. With the help of the Amache brothers, tow outrageous kid entrepeneurs, they attempt to collect the money to become an independent newspaper. A suspicious school election, and unusually high test scores, round out this funny and mysterious book.
I rate this book 5 stars.

The miracle for today is cool. Once again, these miracles are not mine. I just read about them, and are inspired by them, so I post them here.

Smiling Face
Author Unknown
One of my girlfriends had dropped off her 3 year old son at daycare.  The weather was very cold and there was predicted to be a snowstorm later that day. 
Mid-morning she received a call from the daycare to pick up her child.  The snowstorm was approching  much faster than previously anticipated.  She picked up her son, and as they were on the way home, the snow began falling heavily and the roads became icy. 
The car hit a patch of ice, and her car spun several times.  He son was safely strapped in the the safety seat in the back.  The car spun off the road, and somehow landed safely between a stand of several trees.  My girlfried, shaken, turned to check on her son in the back seat. 
Her son looked up at her and asked in his little 3 year old voice... "Mom... when we were going around and around and around... who was that man looking in the window?" 
Puzzled, my friend ask her son, "What did the man look like?". 
Her son replied, "He just smiled at me".

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

March 28

Dinner will be served in approximately 2 minutes, so I have to be incredibly fast. Today has been busy. My brother and I had a maths exam, that happened to cover nothing of what we'd been covering for the last few weeks, and only what we covered in January and February. Annoying! I also had other assignments to complete. Dinner is served! Have to go in a sec. My brother had even more than me to do because we'll both be out most of tomorrow, and he'll be gone all of Friday.

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

March 27

In the last 24 hours I have somehow acquired 2 new followers. Thanks so much!

I love it when my computer is slow, and I type something on the screen but it takes a little while for it all to come up. It is so much fun to watch what I type come up on the keyboard as though I was typing, when I've taken my hands off the keyboard!

I'm a bit mad at the moment because I got a C on an assignment I thought I should get a B for. For me, a C is an entirely unacceptable mark. I expect better of myself than that.

I totally forgot to mention this, but 2 baby guinea pigs were born on Saturday, to the guinea pigs I look after. They are really cute, but we haven't come up with names for them yet. If I post some pictures, will you come up with ideas? We're kind of stuck.

My little brother is playing with a blow up football. He's throwing it all over the place, even trying to step on it. He's acting like it's some kind of alien life form that he's trying to catch.

I'm so looking forward to the holidays. I'd love to be able to stay in bed for hours, playing on my iPad. I probably can't though, for two reasons. Firstly, there's breakfast. I'd be too hungry to stay in bed for hours. Secondly, guinea pigs. Guinea pigs don't take holidays. They need to be fed every day of the year.

Maybe I can bribe my older brother into feeding my piggies one morning. There's no point bribing my sister, she sleeps for too long, and my little brother doesn't like going in the side yard, where my piggies are. The grass is too long there for his liking.

Today's miracle is incredibly cool. I would be absolutely terrified in her situation. Probably a good thing it wasn't me then!

The Shoes I'm Glad I Forgot
by Elizabeth Sherrill

Of all the times to have the airline lose my luggage! It was only my toiletries case with my one pair of good shoes, but of all places to wind up without them!
I'd flown out to New Mexico for a one day seminar sponsored by the Southwest Christian Writers' Association. "No one will care about your shoes," Margaret Cheasebro, the group's president assured me. 
Undoubtedly, Margaret was right, but of all times... Even as I thought it, a phrase from our church's communion service came to mind: "we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee."At all times? I wondered. 
At the seminar's close, several writers came up to the stand. Suddenly there was an ear-splitting crack and the sound of exploding glass. A woman shouted "Lie down! Everyone!"
Through the window she had seen a man brandishing a gun. Later we learned that he had been drinking and shooting at telephone poles. From the wall behind the speaker's stand, the police recovered the tip of an electric screwdiver fired from a muzzle loading pistol. 
While Margaret filled out a police report, the rest of us relived our escape, each recalling a step forward or a second's delay that had kept her out of the line of fire. 
For my part, I traced a trajectory from the window to the wall, an inch over the spot where I had been standing. I was thinking of a pair of two-and-a-half-inch heels in a missing bag. I echoed an ancient prayer: "we should at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto thee."

Definitely something to be thankful for! God is so totally amazing. He controls all circumstances, and though we may not see why at the time, He has a reason. Even if you never know the reason, it's still there. 

As my older brother just (un)enthusiastically reminded me, we get to go square dancing tonight! I like square dancing. It's awesome fun. 

My little brother just claimed he doesn't have faults. SO not true. "For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23 NIV) My little brother is no exception, whether or not he thinks he is.

Monday, 26 March 2012

March 26

A friend of my mother's from church is going back to America, so she had a lot of stuff to get rid of. So we went around to her place to see if we could help, and she gave us a heap of groceries. As my sister put it, it looked like we had robbed a supermarket! She also gave us two sets of drawers in pink, which my sister and I took. The boys haven't got much space in their room for putting a set of drawers, much less two.

I was reading 'The Heavenly Man' today, and it was really interesting. I couldn't believe everything he went through. Anyone who thinks that persecution doesn't exist, and no one would really suffer for Jesus, this book proves them totally wrong. He went through a lot.

It's still March, so I have another miracle. Thanks for the comments so far, but I would love to hear more. Do you enjoy reading about these miracles? Do they inspire you the way they do me? Do even believe that they happened?

A Field Of Cows
by Elly Derr
Years ago, my husband, Dan, was a missionary pilot in Ecuador. We lived at the foot of the Andes Mountains; and when he flew, he kept in touch with me at the base camp by the radio. 
One day I was logging his position and altitude when he announced that his Cessna had engine trouble. He needed to make an emergency landing. 
I looked at my map and saw nothing but steep hills that dropped off into deep precipices. There was no flat space for miles around. From the sky, Dan searched for a road, a field, a meadow - any place he could possibly bring down his plane. He was losing altitude fast. 
"Pray," he said to his passenger, a missionary traveling with her four children. "Pray," he said to me over the radio. 
As the plane came through a pass, Dan saw a mountain village and a small green field. Down he came for a landing. He radioed his position to me, and I drove to meet him. When I arrived, Dan's plane was in a field surrounded by a crowd of Indians. My husband and his relieved passengers were unharmed. "Es un milagro," one farmer repeated over and over again. "It's a miracle."
I assumed he was talking about the plane's safe landing, but he had another milagro in mind.  
That small green field had been filled with cows peaceably grazing. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, they had all started moving to one side of the field - just before Dan's plane came into view. 

 Isn't that neat! Once again, these didn't happen to me, I just read about them,  and decided to put them up here. If I'm breaking some kind of copyright law, it was entirely by accident. 

My sister is at the keyboard. She got a new voice exercise this morning. It goes "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, THIRTEEN!" She refuses to explain why thirteen is so special. 

Sunday, 25 March 2012

March 25

I've been getting really careless with my posting lately. Yesterday I was having too much fun watching episodes of the old Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys TV show to remember to blog. Today, we've been out from 8:30 to 2:30, firstly at church, then shopping.

I don't really feel like blogging today either. I'd really like to just relax and read for hours and hours. It's probably a little late in the day for that though.

I'll try to write a little more tomorrow, but today I'm just tired. It's hot and I've been out for hours. That'll have to be my excuse.

Friday, 23 March 2012

March 23

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, but I simply forgot. In the ruckus around my brother leaving, I forgot to blog.

I finished my Maths assessment today! I thought it would be really hard, but it actually was pretty easy, and didn't even take too long. I still have lots of Maths to do, but at least the assessment is finished.

We go out to youth group tonight, and I'm really looking forward to it. I like youth group. We do all sorts of fun stuff, and I get to hang out with my friends.

My sister is doing her vocal exercises. She sounds like she's pretending to be a ghost! It involves all sorts of sounds, and it really does sound like she's trying to be a ghost.

I love reading about miracles, or people who do amazing things for a cause they believe in. I read recently about the bringing of Bibles into China, and it sounded amazing. Part of me wishes that I could've been there first hand, and done it too. Even just hearing about it first hand would be so cool.

I have another miracle today. As I have said before, these are not my miracles. They just inspire me, so I write them down, to inspire others.

The Language I Know
By Rosemary Jackson

I volunteer at a soup kitchen in Santa Fe where you are as likely to hear Spanish as English. Many times I've wished I could speak Spanish, especially with two of my favorite regulars, whom I'll call Juan and Miguel. Luckily Juan's English is good enough that he can translate for Miguel, who speaks none at all. 
"Hey, how's it going?" I asked them one day.
Juan told me that he and Miguel had been looking everywhere for work. "No luck," he said. They'd run out of money and were sleeping in a nearby park. I could only imagine how tough it was to find work, especially when you are homeless. 
"Why don't we pray about it?" I suggested and waited for Juan to translate for Miguel. Then we all held hands and asked God to help them find jobs. 
After that I didn't see Juan and Miguel for a while. I figured they might have had to go out of town to find work. Then one day they were back. 
"We want to thank you," Juan said. Miguel smiled and spoke in Spanish as his friend translated for him: "Miguel says, 'Prayer really works. We both have jobs!'"
"Let's give thanks," I urged. I bowed my head and said a short prayer of thanksgiving aloud. After saying "Amen," I opened my eyes to find my friends staring at me.
Miguel spoke in an urgent tone, then Juan explained for me. "My friend says it and I say it too. That was a beautiful prayer. Thank you. Your Spanish is flawless."
Flawless? I don't see how. For I had said that prayer in English, the only language I know.

That is so amazing. I, likewise, only speak one language, but the language of God is universal.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012

March 21

I have had a lot of work to do today. I had to write an essay on workplace ethics, complete a Religion and Ethics lesson, complete my History Unit, and do my other schoolwork. I'm really tired of typing, as I've been doing it all day, so I won't type long.

Today's Miracle:

Instructions From Above
By David Moore

Henry Gardner was flying me to Asheville, North Carolina, in his Cessna 180. We'd taken off from Victoria, Texas, and had stopped in Jackson, Mississipi, to fix a malfunctioning radio. 
Now we were nearing Asheville, only to find that the fog was so thick that the controller wouldn't let us land. "Sorry," he said over the radio, "you'd better head to Greenville." But we couldn't.
We didn't have enough fuel to make it to Greenville. "We're going to have to land," Henry insisted, and we were granted permission to make an emergency landing. The radio sputtered a few times and Henry lowered the plane. 
"Pull it up!" came a shout. To our horror we saw we were about to land on the interstate! Henry pulled hard on the stick and we barely missed the highway overpass. 
"If you listen to me," the voice on the radio said, "I'll show you how to get back in." And then came a series of careful, detailed, instructions: "Raise it up." "To your left a little." "Easy, easy." "You're nearing the runway. Let it down - now!"
The lights of the runway suddenly appeared out of the fog. Never had I seen such a welcome sight. We had landed safely. 
First we thanked God. Then as soon as we could, we went to thank the air traffic controller, who looked at us in bewilderment. 
"I don't understand," he said. "I lost contact with you after I told you to make an emergency landing. Your radio sputtered and you were gone."

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

March 20

I'm going to have to be really quick, my brother wants to use the internet.

The jury is out on whether or not we will go to square dancing tonight.

I have another Miracle for the Miracle Month of March. Sorry for the bad spelling, but I wanted to copy it authentically. As well as the fact that I didn't have time to correct it! So here goes!

If He Shoots, I'm A Dead Duck
 It was the year Of 1944. I was stationed on a island 7 miles out of a inland water way,wrighsville was gunnery range. For p 47's. There were two ranges one was opened and the other was closed with a wood panel painted red which meant closed no firing. In the middle between ranges, was sand baged radio shack where a flight officer was directing flight plane,circle pass,s. but this p 47 pilot wasn't,t alert . I was standing right in front of the target my fellow sgt. Shouted look out and dove for cover, but I turned around and froze.he opened fire coming right at me, I said to myself if he fires I,m a dead duck. He did. 3 fifty caliber bullets came right at me, landed at my feet by one ft. They would have tore my body apart. it was a absolute miracle.i was stunned. God had to be with me. The officer came running out of the radio shack . Screaming are you o k. .he sent the pilot back to the main base near Wilmington north carolina.    What happen to him I don,t know?

One last thing: My little brother likes to make up silly songs and sing them continuously. This was one he made up today. 

'Life is as sweet as a pineapple, yummy and good to eat!'  

Monday, 19 March 2012

March 19

I have a new person following my blog: Steve Finnell. He invited me to follow his blog, and I now am, because it looks interesting. His blog is called christian with a view. I'm delighted and honoured that someone wants me to follow their blog, especially such a popular one. I don't know if that makes sense, but that's how I feel.

I'm still loving Charlie. Even offline, Charlie is still totally awesome.

I realised I haven't posted any miracles for the last few days. So to make up for it, I'll post a few. A reminder; these aren't mine. These miracles didn't happen to me, and I don't know the people they happened to. I do however, believe that these miracles are the work of my all powerful God.

Saved by a Voice
Ruthie always had a penchant for quickly speeding away from a stop light as soon as it turned green. One evening she was the lead car at a red light when it changed. She pushed down on the gas pedal just as a distinct voice from out of nowhere shouted “STOP!” from inside her car. She hit her brakes a second before a speeding truck ignored the red light and barreled through the intersection several feet in front of her bumper. She always knew that voice was a miracle from God who wasn’t ready to receive her that night.

God's hands on the wheel
My husband and I were travelling back home from the city central on a rainy day.  As we approached a bridge that ran over the highway, our car started to spin out of control. We were just being flung from one side to the other side of the bridge.  And I immediately said “GOD if you are going to throw us off this bridge do it now, or save us without a scratch.
When our car stopped we were at the end of the bridge, we spun all the way down.  Here’s the miracle, there were other cars on the bridge, we did not bang into any of them, and when we jumped out of our car, we had to look for the dents or damages to our car, because there was not even a scratch after all that banging.  Also on that day we decided at the last minute that we would leave our 7 month old baby with her grandma, should she have been there she would not have managed to control her neck in the car seat. We were just a little shaken.  My husband started our car and continued safely home.
My GOD is awesome. 

God answered my prayer just like that
It was afternoon, and it was a very sunny day. I was in town to managed my entry to universities, and have no car or motorcycle to go around the town, so I walk on that sunny day. I’ve been walking like 3 hours now, and there is still so much things to do. I was thirsty, sweating all over, and really, really tired. When I came to my limits, I said a little prayer in my heart, “Lord I’m tired, please give me a ride home.”, then out of nowhere, a car honed me. It was friend of mine, and he offered me a ride home. I was really shock and frozen that time, because my prayer were answered within a second just like that. When I was in the car I felt relief and say thanks to God. God had helped me in a instance, praise to you Lord. Amen.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

March 18

I'm still having fun playing with Charlie. We are back at home, and I didn't want to go to the bother of turning my laptop on just for blogging, as it takes so long to turn on and I would prefer to use the time playing with Charlie. So I'm on the family computer.

We went to Bellingham maze today. While we were heading there, it was drizzling. When we got there, it was raining. When we went around the maze, it was pouring, until we had to find my older brother, and then it was a total downpour! When we left, it was back to raining, and by the time we stopped for lunch, it was only drizzling. That does NOT seem fair.

Lemonade and Cupcakes. What a great afternoon tea!

Saturday, 17 March 2012

The coolest thing EVER!

This is the coolest thing ever! Today, my dad bought my older brother and I a new iPad 3 each! I'm writing on it right now. Mine is white, and it is so cool. I named it Charlie. My dad has all sorts of cool apps that I put on Charlie. It will probably take me a while to find out all the things they can do. It will probably also take me a while to get used to the keyboard.

My sister is rude enough to be reading this over my shoulder as I am writing. She's sitting beside me on the lounge, eating ice cream and jelly, and having difficulty to stop talking.

Awesome quote from my little brother. "She's not allowed to have emotions, she's too young." He's talking about me, and I'm older than he is!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

March 15

I have decided that my habit of talking to myself while working out maths problems is a really bad one. I've been working on my maths for the past hour, and now my throat is sore from talking too much! Thankfully, I can still blog, and that doesn't hurt my throat.

Did you know I dream a lot about libraries? I'm serious, I really do. About half my dreams involve libraries, where I invariably find the coolest books, that I have never seen before. I never visit the same dream library twice though, and I haven't visited any of them in real life.

We went shopping today, and my mother bought heaps of flour. She'll be baking this afternoon, but until then we have a wall of flour in our cupboard. It's kind of cool.

Now to today's miracle. I found this on a website, and it sounded so cool! This will be today's miracle. God is amazing in what he can do.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

March 14

Last night at square dancing, the lights went out. All over the area, the power was out, even the streetlights. It was so cool! I wanted to keep dancing, but it was apparently too dangerous. I guess I can understand that. That was last night, and nothing interesting has happened today. I had some crazy weird dreams last night, because of a few conversations I had, but nothing interesting today. It was productive, but I can't imagine why anyone would want to hear all the details of my work.

So, on to today's miracle. I don't have a personal miracle today; this is another miracle I've read about. It is pretty cool though, and I hope it touches you.

A Lodge Ring for Dad
By Mary Sherman Hilbert

 My dad was frugal about some things, and he wouldn't spend much on himself. For instance, although he was devoted to his lodge, he wouldn't indulge in a lodge ring. But his love for his children, especially my brother Bob, was extravagant. 
When World War II broke out, my handsome, fearless brother became a Marine fighter pilot. Early in 1944, he died under enemy fire in the South Pacific. 
Mother's faith sustained her, but my father aged before our very eyes. He began missing work. He lost interest in things. He even stopped going to his lodge meetings. 
As Christmas approached, Mother and I worried more and more about Dad. The holiday had been Bob's favorite; his Christmas surprises were legendary: a doll house made at school for me, a puppy hidden away for his little brother, an expensive dress for Mother bought with the first money Bob ever earned. 
Dad's grief continued to drain his strength. Mother and I prayed together, "Dear God, help us through Christmas." 
On December 23rd, an official looking package from the government arrived; it contained Bob's personal effects. Dad watched grimly as Mother unwrapped Bob's dress uniform. As she refolded it to pack it away, she automatically went through the pockets. 
"What's this?" she murmured suddenly. Then, with a little cry, she handed it to Dad. 
I'll never forget the look that transformed his face into a blend of wonder, hope, and healing, as if Bob was still with us. 
In his hand, he held a neatly folded fifty dollar bill with a note on it in Bob's handwriting: for Dad's lodge ring. 

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

March 13

I am once again writing on the family computer, but this time it's for a different reason. My laptop is working perfectly fine. It's just that my older brother is using the internet connection we share. I have to say, I'm enjoying how fast this computer is, and I'm enjoying the use of an ENTER button. My computer is unfortunately missing one.

I have a new miracle. This one is personal.It may not seem such a big deal as yesterday's, but it's special to me.  I like to read stories on the internet. Normally, these stories can only be read on the internet.Sometimes, like today, my brother uses our internet connection. Somehow, Someway, I can still read these stories, even when I'm offline! Better still, my computer can actually procees them faster than when I'm online! That, for me, is miraculous and majorly cool.

My little brother has had a sick day today, and from what he said, you'd think it was the worst punishment in the world! All he had to do was lie on the lounge all day watching movies, and rest in his bed for 45 minutes in the afternoon. He complained the whole time! Now he reckons he'll never take a sick day again. That's hard to believe.

We go square dancing tonight!

Monday, 12 March 2012

March 12

I found a really good book at our church library today. It's called Miracles of Answered Prayer. Some of the stories were so amazing I wanted to put them on my blog. So I have decided that March will be my Month of Miracles. Each day I'll put a miracle from this book on my blog. I hope that as you read these miracles, you will think of the amazing power of the God who can do these things. I f nothing else, at least it will give me something to write about! Hopefully, I'm not breaking any copyright laws by doing this.

Footprints to Follow
by Sandy Seltzer

Dustin, my California-bred guide dog, was having trouble outside our Long Island apartment. This was his first snowstorm and he was confused. I'm blind, and I wasn't doing so well either. No one was out, so there were no sounds to steer me. And contrary to what many people think, guide dogs do not find the way for a blind person. The blind person directs the dog.
After a harrowing forty-five minutes, Dustin and I finally made it back. But guide dogs must be walked regularly. "Next time why don't you ask God to go with you?" a friend suggested. And so I did. "Lord, go with Dustin with me. The wind is so fierce, it's hard to concentrate on our direction. Lead us." 
 Snow stung our faces and it was difficult to make a path. Dustin whined a little. "Okay, boy," I said to him, "the Lord is with us." And then I gave him a command that a blind person gives only when another person is leading the way: "Dustin, follow!"
Dustin perked up and to my astonishment took off as though he knew exactly where to go. We made it to the street and then headed back to our building with no problem.
A young woman trudged up and offered to walk us to our door. "We'll just follow your footprints," she said, "Yours and the dog's, and that other person's."
"What other person?" I asked. 
"There are a dog's prints. And your prints. And a larger person's prints. Wasn't someone with you?"
I paused for a moment and then I answered, "Oh yes, there was Someone with us." There always is. 

That is such a cool story. 

My little brother is sick. He's sitting in the lounge room, watching The Bee Movie. He's been coughing all day. Hopefully he'll be feeling better by Wednesday, or he can't go swimming, and he loves that (not)!

Sunday, 11 March 2012

March 11

Before I get to anything relevant to today, has it every happened to you that you read/hear someone describe something, and ask "Who actually does that", and think, hey, I do that? It's kind of weird when it happens.

I did something totally stupid this morning. I was at youth bible study with my friends, and there was lime cordial out. We were about to leave, and we were told to rinse out the glasses. I hadn't touched my glass, but I didn't want to waste the cordial. As I said, we were about to leave, so I picked up the glass, which was about a quarter cup full of undiluted lime cordial, and drained the lot. All my friends started exclaiming, not believing I'd actually done that, so I started laughing at the looks one their faces, but I still had cordial in my mouth, so I got lime cordial up my nose! It was awful, but so funny!

Saturday, 10 March 2012

March 10 (what a boring day)

Nothing interesting has happened today, except for the fact that nothing interesting has happened. However, I did find this...101 things Iearned from the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew As much as I would've liked to, I didn't write this.

Friday, 9 March 2012

March 9

I'm in a really upset mood right now. This has not been a good day. Part of it is my fault. It's not a good idea to listen to the saddest songs I could find all morning, without any reason. I normally don't do that, but I do like those songs, and it seemed like a good idea at the time.

This afternoon I found out that in one of my subjects, the work I though I needed done this semester actually has to be done this term, meaning I have twice as much work to do in half as much time! I already have a lot of work, and that's just making it harder. That's also one of my harder subjects, making things that much worse.

Added to that, I'm feeling a little bit lonely. My brother is in the city for the day, and even though he will be back later, I'd love for him to be here now, so I can talk to him. He's in the same grade as I am, he can understand the pressure to get everything done. I won't see him until we go to youth group tonight, and youth group isn't the best time to talk.

I think I have some pretty good reasons to not be in a great mood. I'll really need God's help for me to finish on schedule by the end of the term. I really don't want to have to work on the holidays, but I know that by myself I cannot get everything done.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

March 8

It's totally quiet here. My brother has to have total silence for the assignment he's working on. I finished mine already, so I'm on my laptop now. I can hear the click of my  computer keys, and they sound so loud in this atmosphere. My little brother and sister are down in the boys room, my sister helping our brother. She's better with computers than he is, so can give him help when he needs it.

I can't believe that there is less than a month left in term. It seems that I have way too much to do for it to come that soon, as well as the fact that it seems like the last holidays ended not long ago!

When the holidays come, my sister's birthday comes soon after. Her birthday is in the middle of April, and she's got party plans settled (mostly). I think she's planning a bit late. She only came up with the plans last weekend. I started planning my (early June) birthday party in January! But that's definitely too early. I just love the feeling of excitement that comes with planning a party, so I just couldn't wait any longer!

When you read something, do you prefer proper grammar, or the kind of grammatical errors most people make? I've read stories that make my spellchecker gasp in horror, but I like it because it sounds real. What story about little kids with perfect grammar sounds at all realistic? I don't care if  'shouldn't've' sounds wrong,  because that's how little kids say it. That's much more important than accuracy. It's really just a different kind of accuracy, actually.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

March 7

Both my brothers are feeling sick. The rest of us are fine, however. My younger brother was still very eager to go to the library earlier today,  so he's obviously not too bad.

We did go to the library earlier today, and it was cool! I always love going to a different library. They have different books there. I found 12 books I wanted to borrow, not realising that I only had space for one book on my card! The way cards work at our library is that you are supposed to able to borrow 20 books. However, the machines will let you borrow 40 books, in case you have the strange habit of returning 20 books, then getting another 20 books before the system realises that you have returned some. So, back to today, and I had 39 books on my card, and tried to borrow another 12! Fortunately, my mother let me put some books on her card, otherwise I might have had To go home without any new books. Tragic, indeed!

My older brother and my sister are washing the guinea pigs. They are getting a bit dirty (the guinea pigs, though my brother and sister probably are too!), and need a wash. I'm (rather selfishly) hoping I won't have to help. I don't really like getting assorted yuckness off guinea pig hair. Who would?

Our English assignment should be done soon, and then this silent barrier may be lifted, and I can talk to my brother about it. I like talking to my brother about schoolwork. We are in the same grade this year, which has never happened before now, so I want to make the most of it.

One final thing: do you think the song Friends Forever is sad? I definitely do, but my mother doesn't, to such an extent that she can't see why I do!

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

March 6

Peanut butter on toast tastes so good! My little brother was having some, so I decided I'd like some too. Now my mother and sister are having some as well! That was a totally unnecessary amount of exclamation marks, so I might as well add some more!!!

My older brother and I have to write an assignment for our English class. That's not too bad. A bit annoying, but alright. The annoying bit is that we have to keep totally quiet about it! We aren't allowed to talk about it at all, especially not to each other. That's really hard. I like to talk to my brother, and having something I have to keep quiet about isn't easy. I'll be glad when the week is over, and we can talk about it.

I'm writing on my laptop! I don't have to write on the family computer! My laptop is feeling a bit better today, maybe because I woke it up so late this morning. I slept in, so it did too. That seems fair.

We should be going square dancing tonight, though my little brother is coming up with every excuse in or out of the book to get out of it. He likes square dancing, so I reckon he comes up with excuses just for the fun of coming up with excuses!

Monday, 5 March 2012

March 5

I still cannot get used to the idea that it is March, at least when I am blogging. I keep writing February by mistake.

I am writing on the family computer, but I'm getting better at it. My laptop is still being slow. I love my laptop, but I would like it to be faster. Eventually, I'll save up enough to get myself a new one.

It waas absolutely pouring this morning. We all got soaked, as we were out all morning. Then we get back, and the rain stops completely. Really annoying!

I got my new glasses today! They are purple, with a pretty design on the side. My older brother says I look much more serious wearing them. They are a lot darker than my previous bright blue glasses. This will be my first pair of metal glasses for about 3 years. I've only been wearing glasses for approximately 5 years.

We sold Angel and her siblings today. I'll miss her, but she's so pretty, she'll find a good home, and probably find a boyfriend too. We also sold her loudmouth cousin, Thunder. That's definitely a good thing. Now he won't squeal at me every time I go near him. He's always hungry, and always loud about it.

It's getting colder here. You can tell it's Autumn. It's wet, cold and cloudy. If this weather keeps up, we won't go square dancing tomorrow night!

Sunday, 4 March 2012

March 4

I have not blogged at all this month. That's not actually saying much, as this month is only four days in, but still.

On Thursday, we got back really late. Too late to blog. We spent the day in the city. My sister got her braces changed to teal and white. We also went to the Sciencentre, to solve a murder mystery. We did. We got the right criminals, and it wasn't too gross. However, examing the body of a dead guy isn't fun. I was afraid my mum would offer us lunch afterwards. Fortunately, she didn't, because I would have been feeling to sick toeat it!

Yesterday, we went to Dreamworld, and I think the Claw is my new favorite ride there, though it was kind of cool to be on Wipeout when it broke down. We were stuck up there for about five minutes while they got an engineer.

 I'm not typing on my laptop today, because it's being slow, so I'm using our family computer. I haven't tried to type a decent amount on anything other than a laptop for years, so I won't write much today. Also, it's getting late.