Wow,I really haven't updated in a while, have I? Sorry, I've just been really busy with schoolwork. I go to Tasmania on holidays at the end of the week, and will be in Tassie for two weeks, so I have a lot of schoolwork to do to prepare. Blogging has kind of fallen by the wayside.
I saw some episodes of Sherlock over the last few weeks, and it is awesome! I still haven't seen the final episode of Season 2, because, to be honest, I'm putting it off. Any proper Sherlock Holmes fan knows what happened at the Reichenbach Falls, and that I'm not sure I want to see just yet. At least, not until I run out of everything else.
I'm doing Animal Farm for English this term, and I am learning so much about it that I never knew before. I knew for a while that it was based on the Russian Revolution, but I didn't know just how closely. It seems that everyone in the story has some real life counterpart, and it is amazing!
This year for Christmas, my family will be doing a sort of Secret Santa, except with shoeboxes. We are going to make shoeboxes for each other, and have already picked our recipients names out of a hat. We will be following the basic rules of the Samaritans Purse: Operation Christmas Child shoebox rules. It should be really fun! Probably hard as well, but I think the hardest part could be the waiting. I have to wait another two months to find out who is giving me a shoebox!